Have You Been Arrested for DUI / DWI?

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DWI Lawyer

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DWI Lawyer

You didn't mean to have that one extra drink at the bar. Your friend, who was supposed to be your designated driver, had left earlier on a impromptu date with the waitress as you now find yourself behind the wheel driving home. You have less than a mile to go, as you see your mailbox less than ten feet away. But before you get there, police officers have your vehicle surrounded.

The next few hours are a blur in your mind. You remember walking strangely to the officer's orders and breathing into a tube. The next thing you remember is sitting in a jail cell waiting for your appearance in front of a judge after being charged with DWI.

Understanding A DWI

When you are found driving any type of vehicle while taking drugs or alcohol, it is considered driving while intoxicated (DWI) in some states and driving under the influence (DUI) in other states. Both designations are the same as they are driving offenses that can result in incarceration, fines and/or the loss of your driving privileges.

A DWI lawyer can explain your options in regards to your DWI case. If all the evidence has been properly processed and the officer read you your rights, you may not be able to beat the charges. Yet you may be able to plea bargain for a lesser sentence at the sentencing hearing.

The lawyer can also help you fight your case if you truly believe you were arrested for no cause. The lawyer can evaluate your case, go over the evidence, examine where the arrest was made and go over the results of the field tests and breathalyzer tests to determine if there is anything to help with your case. The DWI lawyer will try to fight your case in a court of law to the best of their legal knowledge.

Choosing The Best Lawyer

You need to have a lawyer who specializes in representing DWI cases. They should know all the laws in your state regarding DWI and understand how to best represent your particular case since every person's DWI charges are different. You can usually have a free consultation with the DWI lawyer to ask questions about their services and fees. Not every lawyer is the same, so try to shop around for the right one who understands the particulars about your DWI charges.

Don't forget to ask the lawyer about all his fees and if there may be any additional fees when the hearing occurs. If you don't have the upfront cash to pay the attorney, you may ask for a discount or to be placed on a payment plan to help you pay for your attorney's services.
Get The Representation You Deserve

Just because you were arrested by a police officer for DWI doesn't mean you have to plead guilty to the charges if you truly believe they are unfounded. Fight your case in a court of law by having a lawyer specializing in DWI cases represent you rights.

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